
I've got 99 problems and asynchronous programming is 127 of them

Monday 24th October, 2016, at Codemotion Berlin

Concurrency is hard, am I right?

Or, at least, it was, before JavaScript came along. It solved this problem by not allowing concurrency.

Wait. That's not right.

JavaScript runtimes don't (normally) allow parallelism.

Wow, this is confusing. Let's slow it down.

Definitions, and how JavaScript fits in to all of this


Parallelism is pretty important. If two things run in parallel, they are literally happening at the exact same time. It's tremendously useful for working on problems that can be subdivided. For example, a machine with an eight-core CPU will be able to run up to 8 distinct programs at once, allowing one of those programs to respond to the user while the other 7 work on other things. Alternatively, you could run a single program on all eight cores, letting it calculate π to ten million decimal places (up to) eight times faster.

Because parallelism is about real-world characteristics of your computer, it's (usually) reliant on your processor and your operating system. We typically either run multiple programs or multiple threads within the same program to achieve parallel processing, as a single thread doesn't allow you to run across multiple cores.


Whereas parallelising code is all about spreading the workload, concurrency is a bit more academic. It's also much more important. Concurrent software is software that is written so that work may be interleaved without causing any problems.

All modern desktop operating systems are concurrent, in that they allow you, the operator, to run multiple programs at once without having to explicitly close down one to open another. This works even if you only have a single core on the processor, by doing a little bit of work in program A, then a little bit in program B, and so on.

Having a concurrent ("multi-tasking") operating system is important, but you can also write concurrent software of your own. Anything with a user interface is an obvious candidate—by writing the code in such a way that it is safe to click buttons at the same time that it's processing something else, you can avoid blocking the UI during heavy computation. Imagine how annoying it would be for your browser to stop responding until a page has finished loading, or if tabs couldn't run in the background.

As you can imagine, writing concurrent software is hard. It's difficult enough to ensure that a variable has the correct value at the correct time when you only have one thread of operation; when you have many, it becomes much more so. There's an entire field of study around concurrency, and modelling concurrent systems, often formally with communicating sequential processes, is a discipline in its own right.

Concurrent code doesn't require a system that supports parallelism, but if you do want to run code in parallel, it's generally considered sensible to ensure that it's written with concurrency in mind.

The event loop

In a concurrent system, it's pretty typical to use an event loop.

They look like this:

while (let event = eventQueue.next()) {

Often, these systems are concurrent, but not parallel. This means that both the next method and the process function are blocking. This means that if there's nothing on the queue yet, next will wait until one shows up before returning. Similarly, process won't return until processing has finished.

JavaScript runtimes (and browsers themselves) are modelled around an event loop just like this one. As a result, when developers started writing JavaScript, it was common for a web page to freeze up entirely until computation had finished. We quickly realised that this was a suboptimal user experience, and found new ways to ensure that events finished quickly, allowing user interaction to remain responsive.

Asynchronous programming

If you've been writing client-side JavaScript code for a while, you'll remember XMLHttpRequest, which is how we used to do HTTP requests in the browser before jQuery, and then approximately seventeen billion other libraries, came along.

XMLHttpRequest is a JavaScript class (of sorts) that triggers an HTTP request and lets you inspect the response. The very first iteration was synchronous: it blocked execution until it had a response.

You can still do this today:

var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open('GET', 'something.json', false) // the "false" tells it to make a synchronous request
request.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')
request.send(null) // No data needs to be sent along with the request
// execution pauses here until we get a response
alert('Response:\n' + this.responseText)

Blocking the browser from responding to input isn't very friendly, so it was quickly transformed to an asynchronous style. Asynchronous requests look something like this (taken from Wikipedia and modified):

var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
  if (this.readyState === 4) {
    alert('Response:\n' + this.responseText)
request.open('GET', 'something.json', true) // the third parameter is the "async" flag
request.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')
request.send(null) // No data needs to be sent along with the request

Pleasant. The important thing is the function declared on lines 2–7:

request.onreadystatechange = function () {
  var DONE = this.DONE || 4
  if (this.readyState === DONE) {
    alert('Response:\n' + this.responseText)

This function is executed whenever the state of the response changes. I can't remember what the various states were, but I do remember that when the readyState hit 4, the response was complete, and could be determined to be successful or a failure.

Except that's not quite right. The function doesn't get triggered immediately, because that would require pausing your current execution if anything else was going on. Instead, an event is put on the queue, and when it gets to the front, the function is invoked.

This model of execution means that we can write functions that finish quickly and only queue up new work when it's time, allowing the website to stay responsive and allow the user to remain in control.

Now, on to the meat.

So, JavaScript is most certainly a concurrent language. Nothing makes this clearer than node.js, a programming environment designed to make code as ugly as possible.

/me waits for boos

Seriously. This code, courtesy of Callback Hell, demonstrates the problem:

fs.readdir(source, function (err, files) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Error finding files: ' + err)
  } else {
    files.forEach(function (filename, fileIndex) {
      gm(source + filename).size(function (err, values) {
        if (err) {
          console.log('Error identifying file size: ' + err)
        } else {
          console.log(filename + ' : ' + values)
          aspect = (values.width / values.height)
          widths.forEach(function (width, widthIndex) {
            height = Math.round(width / aspect)
            console.log('resizing ' + filename + 'to ' + height + 'x' + height)
            this.resize(width, height).write(dest + 'w' + width + '_' + filename, function(err) {
              if (err) console.log('Error writing file: ' + err)

Not a huge amount of fun.

Of course, callback hell isn't just reserved for the server—it happens on the client too. And it never starts like the mess you see above. Usually, it grows from just one or two callbacks, or even starts synchronous and is refactored for performance later.

Part 1: introducing asynchronous JavaScript

Here's a simple synchronous application that sings the song, "99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall".

See the Pen 99 bottles by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

Running it has some… surprising results. There's no timing, so it runs to completion and we only see the last verse. You've been spared. For now.

To introduce delays into JavaScript code, we can't just do what you'd do in your standard (badly-written) console application:

while (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++)

Not only will that eat up way more CPU than your users would like, it'll block the browser and other JavaScript from running—hardly a great solution. Instead, we use the setTimeout function.

See the Pen 99 bottles, take 2 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

… and the same thing happens. Why?

setTimeout takes two parameters: a function to run and the time to wait before running it. In actual fact, it doesn't run it directly—it just adds it to the event loop's queue. This means that the following code is a bit broken:

  for (let i = count; i > 0; --i) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      lineOne.textContent = `${bottles(i)} of beer on the wall, ${bottles(i)} of beer.`
      lineTwo.textContent = `Take one down and pass it around, ${bottles(i - 1)} of beer on the wall.`
    }, 400)

That loop runs pretty much instantly. 400 milliseconds later, 99 functions are added the event queue and then run in order. If you look at setTimeout here as emulating a long-running piece of work, it's as if we ran 99 operations in parallel and they all finished at the same time. Often, this is what we want, but sometimes it's a lot more sensible to do things one (or 5, or 10) at a time.

In order to prevent this, we need to stagger the operations.

OK, no problem. We can do that.

See the Pen 99 bottles, take 3 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

This snippet calls setTimeout at the end of each iteration. We've gone from a loop to a kind of recursion, triggering the next iteration as the last step of the current one.

Run it, and you'll see it tick down. Enjoy the song. I'll wait.

/me whistles

Back? Notice something odd?

It doesn't terminate. We never asked it to, after all. Let's add a separate event to trigger when everything should finish.

See the Pen 99 bottles, take 4 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

You probably noticed that the song goes faster the more beer is drunk. That's always my experience singing it. I'm not sure if it's due to the alcohol or if people just really, really want to get to the end.

By my calculations, each iteration takes 200 milliseconds on average. We've scheduled the first to take 400ms and the last to take 4ms. So let's multiply 200 by the count + 1 and wait that long to stop.

  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 200 * (count + 2))

That'll stop it in its tracks. If you ran it when you saw it, it's probably stopped by now. How'd it go?

On my machine, here's what I see:

17 bottles of beer on the wall, 17 bottles of beer.

Take one down and pass it around, 16 bottles of beer on the wall.

\17. Convenient. What if we wait another 200ms? If you click the Edit link, you can add one to the multiplier yourself and find out.

Give it a try.

Oh. It's gone negative, you say. Wonderful.

There's got to be a better way than this. And I'm sure you've already spotted it yourself, you astute banana. You were probably shaking your head this whole time.

Right. On we go.

See the Pen 99 bottles, take 5 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

We took a leaf out of the functional programming handbook and used recursion to solve the last problem, and we all know recursion has to have a base case. Here's ours:

    if (i === 0) {

Easy peasy. Well done, you. Top banana indeed.

A chapter you weren't expecting

This is quite elegant, but not the easiest thing to read. Perhaps you'd like to see something much closer to the original for loop.

You might be aware that there's a library called async that often does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Often it can handle this kind of asynchronous problem by doing the recursion under the hood. In doing so, you can write code that's a lot closer to the kind of synchronous code that's so easy to read, while still taking advantage of asynchronous semantics.

See the Pen 99 bottles, take 6 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

First, we create an array of all the numbers we care about, in order. Creating an array of all the work up front can be prohibitive, but in this case it works. (I'm hoping async will support JavaScript's new iterators soon, but it doesn't as of the time of writing.)

Then we use the async.eachSeries function. This invokes a function on each element of our array, one at a time. It passes a callback to our function, then waits for it to be invoked before moving on to the next item in the array. By invoking that callback using setTimeout, we can make each iteration take as long as we like.

Incidentally, if you want to run all the operations in parallel, you can just use async.each. There's also async.map, which invokes a callback at the end with a new array based on the values passed to the callback, and many other functions designed to make asynchronous code look more like synchronous code. Go have fun.

Oh, wait, another one

We're not done yet. This one's just for fun—I don't expect you to use this technique directly, but you'll enjoy it.

See the Pen 99 bottles, take 7 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

This one makes use of a brand new JavaScript (ES6) language feature: generators. A generator is essentially a function that can yield many values before terminating. The return value of the function is an iterator, and only by iterating over it does the function actually run. Each time we ask for the next value of the iterator, the function runs a little more, until it finally terminates.

Iterators are beyond the scope of this article, but I'd recommend reading about them. What's interesting here is that we have two functions, song and display, which are effectively co-routines. Each one triggers the other, until they finally stop. Using generators, we can use language constructs like our beloved for loop but still maintain the asynchronous behaviour we need.

If you want to explore this further, I'd also recommend looking into the co library, which is designed to use generators to help you write synchronous-looking code that's asynchronous all the way through.

Part 2: from callbacks to promises

Let's look at some clever code to find out where we are.

See the Pen Where in the world am I? by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

Just like our first example, this code is synchronous. It still takes time to run, as it does three separate web requests in sequence, but the code is written from top to bottom. Like the XMLHttpRequest example above, it passes false as the third parameter to .open in order to tell it to block until it's completed.

You'll notice that it blocks the UI too. Run it, then quickly try and select some text. You won't be able to until it's run to completion and the map has started loading. (We load the map by adding an <img> element to the page, which always loads the image asynchronously.)

We can fix this by setting that flag to true instead, and registering an "onreadystatechange" handler on the request. This fires whenever there's something to report on the response.

See the Pen Where in the world am I? Take 2 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

This example, like the previous one, puts the guts of the HTTP request mechanism into a tidy function called get. This time, though, it takes a callback:

function get(address, headers, onSuccess) {

On a successful response, onSuccess is called. With just a bit of rearranging, we have fully-asynchronous code. This code is similar to the sort of style you see in a lot of more complicated client-side code, and is also how many node.js IO-bound functions (such as reading files, talking to the database, making HTTP calls from the server, etc.) work out of the box.

This doesn't come without a price though. The code is much less readable than it was before. Each operation adds another level of nesting which quickly adds up, leading to one massive Hadouken:

Indent Hadouken

I wish I knew who made that image so I could give them a big hug and tell them everything is going to be alright.

Our code is getting there. Just look at the end of the start function:


It's getting pretty indent-y. But wait, it gets worse!

See the Pen Where in the world am I? Take 3 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

There is, of course, a non-zero chance that a web request can fail. We need to report errors on failure. So really, our get function needs two callbacks, not one:

function get(address, headers, onSuccess, onFailure) {

And the end of our start function starts to look like this:

    }, error => {
      progress.textContent = error.message
  }, error => {
    progress.textContent = error.message

Yuck, what a mess. Examining the code, you might start to think about extracting each callback function and composing them together. This can work, but the code becomes very hard to follow:

See the Pen Where in the world am I? Take 4 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

The contents of the start function become this:

fetchIp(fetchLocation(renderMap(onLoaded), reportError), reportError)

Which looks clean, aside from the reportError duplication, but it's deceptive. Look at the first few lines of renderMap to understand why:

const renderMap = onSuccess => ipInfoString => {
  const ipInfo = JSON.parse(ipInfoString)
  const [latitude, longitude] = ipInfo.loc.split(',')

Counter to its name, the first thing renderMap does is parse the result of fetching the location. This is because the callbacks are structured as such out of necessity. We could solve this by splitting the callbacks, but then we'd have a dozen small functions, which would be as impenetrable as one big one.

Fortunately, there's an answer. Promise was added to JavaScript in 2015 as an abstraction over a chain of asynchronous operations.

A Promise is an object that is in one of three states: pending, resolved or rejected. A resolved promise represents a successful asynchronous computation, a rejected one represents failure, and a pending one represents a computation that hasn't finished yet.

Key to the idea of promises are that they're chainable. This means that you can tell a promise to do something as soon as it resolves (or rejects), and it will, by adding that something to the event loop queue. We do this with the .then method:


And it works. Take a look:

See the Pen Where in the world am I? Take 5 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

The above example hasn't had any functions extracted out, so you can follow it easily. get now returns a Promise instead of calling callbacks (take a look at the implementation at the bottom if you're interested), and each operation is chained with .then.

Now we really can clean up:

See the Pen Where in the world am I? Take 6 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

Callbacks work, to an extent, but adding a layer of abstraction on top of success and failure can really enhance readability and maintainability. In addition, it's way easier to remember to catch once… though even that isn't really enough. There are libraries such as Folktale's Data.Task and my own Safe Promises library which force you to provide an error handler, but it's hard for either of them to compete with the standard library.

Part 3: taking it to the limit

So far, everything we've done was concurrent but sequential. What if we really want to run behaviour in parallel?

Well, as we've discussed, JavaScript won't (easily) allow you to run parallel code (Web Workers excluded). However, it will allow you to run several of your own functions concurrently. Asynchronous code in JavaScript isn't just about making sure the UI is always responsive, but also about doing several things at once.

Here's a variant on the previous example that finds the ten nearest coffee shops using Foursquare. In this example, we're back to callbacks.

See the Pen Where in the world is my coffee? Take 2 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

I cheated a bit and pretended you can't get all that information in one API call to Foursquare so that I had an excuse to make lots of requests in parallel. Of course, the API fully supports getting information on lots of venues at once, but we're going to ignore that for now.

(In order to run the code above, you'll need to provide a Foursquare app client ID and secret. You can create a new app and get some in about 30 seconds.)

Take a look at the code that fetches all the venue information in parallel:

        const venues = []
        venueIds.forEach(venueId => {
          get(`https://api.foursquare.com/...`, {}, venueResponse => {

            if (venues.length === venueIds.length) {

Frankly, mutating an array and then checking whether we have enough yet sounds like trouble. Unfortunately, as the next example shows, just refactoring to promises doesn't help much.

See the Pen Where in the world is my coffee? Take 3 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

Here's the relevant code:

      const venues = []
      venueIds.forEach(venueId => {
          .then(venueResponse => {
          .then(() => {
            if (venues.length !== venueIds.length) {

It's really just as bad. Fortunately, we have one advantage: the authors of the Promise spec recognised this and added a little tool called Promise.all that (effectively) handles building up the array for us. Unlike the code above, it even makes sure it gets built in the correct order.

You can implement Promise.all (and other functions on arrays of promises) yourself, but for now, just take a look at how it helps our code:

See the Pen Where in the world is my coffee? Take 4 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

      return Promise.all(venueIds.map(venueId =>
          .then(venueResponse => JSON.parse(venueResponse).response.venue)))
    .then(venues => {

Promise.all changes things. We had some very imperative code that took a while to parse, and we've turned it into incredibly functional code that just does a transformation on an array. The fact that the new array contains a load of promises is almost incidental—Promise.all takes it, waits for everything to resolve, and we end up with a single promise containing the array of venues.

(By the by, the async library could have done this too with async.map; it's not quite as elegant but it's close.)

And now, a little treat

Take a look at the synchronous version of all of this.

See the Pen Where in the world is my coffee? by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

We know it's not going to hold up, but isn't it much nicer than even the example using promises?

What if there was a way we could do the same thing, but make it fully asynchronous?

Good news. There is.

See the Pen Where in the world is my coffee? Take 5 by Samir Talwar (@SamirTalwar) on CodePen.

In ES7, async functions make life much easier. Take a look at the implementation of the coffee-shop finder above.

async () => {
  try {
    progress.textContent = 'Fetching my IP address…'
    const ip = (await get('https://icanhazip.com/', {})).trim()
  } catch (error) {
    progress.textContent = error.message

All you need to do is add async to the start of your function implementation (either a lambda or a function), and away you go. From then on, you can use await to turn asynchronous calls into synchronous-looking ones. You can even use it inside complex expressions.

How does it do this? Simple (at least to reason about): an async function always returns a promise. Everything inside it is implicitly wrapped in a Promise constructor (see the implementation of get if you want to know how to do this yourself). And when it hits an await, it rewrites the code so that the promise after the await is returned, and everything following is moved into a .then call afterwards. It even understands try and for.

So, the above code is equivalent to this:

  .then(() => {
    progress.textContent = 'Fetching my IP address…'
    return get('https://icanhazip.com/', {})
  .then(result => {
    const ip = (await result).trim()
  .catch(error => {
    progress.textContent = error.message

Because await is syntactic sugar on top of promises, it even works alongside other tools such as Promise.all:

const venues = await Promise.all(venueIds.map(async venueId => {
  const venueResponse = JSON.parse(await get(`https://api.foursquare.com/...`))
  return venueResponse.response.venue

The word "rewriting" is actually closer than I'd like. async and await are very recent pieces of functionality, and no JavaScript runtime I'm aware of actually supports them. The reason the above code works is because it's being run through the Babel compiler, and includes a polyfill designed to retrofit all ES6 and some ES7 features, including promises themselves, onto ES5 (which pretty much all browsers and runtimes support).

Promises make code a whole lot easier to reason about, but personally, I've been using async and await in my own code for the last couple of months, and I'd have a hard time going back. Sometimes a little bit of syntactic sugar makes a world of difference.

In closing

That was a whirlwind tour of a lot of the asynchronous JavaScript ecosystem, and you have plenty of links to click to learn more. Have fun, explore, and if you remember anything at all, remember this: keep your functions short, make third parties do all the work, and don't forget to handle your errors!